Bergeon 7745 GS Bracelet Link Pin Punches in Plastic Block | This set of six punches (.40, .60, .80, 1.00, 1.50 & 1.80 mm) for bracelet pins may be used with the Bergeon press (FB-520, punches supplied) or separately. As punches sometimes break, these may be used as spares for those supplied with the FB-520. | |
FB-521 $25.55

Screwdriver Bits for Bergeon Bracelet Link Remover 6745-100
Includes 10 Screwdriver Blades. 5 standard heads number 6745-M (sizes: .80 x 2pcs, 1.0 x 2pcs, 1.2 x 2pcs, 1.5 and 2.0 mm), also 2 phillips number 6745-MC (sizes: 1.5 and 2.0 mm) on a plastic block.

Phillips Blade for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel, diameter 1.50 mm.

Phillips Blade for Minathor Knife 2.0 mm

Pin-Punch Bit 0.40 mm for Minathor
Bergeon pin punch bits are made in hardened stainless steel.

Pin-Punch Bit 0.60 mm for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Pin-Punch Bit 0.80 mm for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Pin-Punch Bit 1.0 mm for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Pin-Punch Bit 1.20 mm for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Pin-Punch Bit 1.50 mm for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Pin-Punch Bit 2.00 mm for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Replacement 0.80 Screwdriver Blades for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Replacement 1.00 mm Screwdriver Blades for Minathor

Replacement 1.20 Screwdriver Blades for Minathor
In hardened stainless steel.

Replacement 1.50 mm Screwdriver Blades for Minathor

Replacement 2.00 mm Screwdriver Blades for Minathor
