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# 100 Main Plate, jewelled # 105 Barrel Bridge, jewelled# 110 Train Wheel Bridge, # 121/3 Balance Bridge for regulator with pointed for shock-protecting devices, stud support ETACHRON # 121/4 Balance Bridge for stud holder and for shock-protecting devices, stud support ETACHRON and corrector, # 125 Pallet, Bridge jewelled, # 144 Dial fastener # 145 Support for flat dial (Dial Rest), # center tube, # 166 Casing clamp, # 182 Barrel & Cover, # 195 Barrel Arbor, # 203 Intermediate Wheel, # 210 Third Wheel, #227 Sweep Second 4th Wheel, # 227/3 Sweep Second 4th Wheel, Without Sweep Second, # 242 Cannon pinion with driving wheel, # 242/1 Cannon pinion with driver, without sweep second# 255 Hour Wheel, # 260 Minute Wheel, # 303/2 Two-piece regulator for adjustable stud-holder, for flat hairspring, # 303/5 Two-piece regulator for stud-holder and adjusting device, for flat hairspring, # 307/1 Regulator without pointer, for stud support ETACHRON, # 358regulator corrector, # 375 Adjustable stud holder, # 401 Winding Stem, # 401/3 Winding stem with Helicoidal Square, # 407 Clutch Wheel, # 410 Winding Pinion, # 415 Ratchet Wheel, # 420 Crown Wheel,# 422Crown Wheel Ring # 425 Click, # 430 Click Spring, # 435 Clutch Lever (yoke), # 440 Set Spring (Yoke Spring), # 443 Setting Lever, # 445 Set Bridge (Setting Lever Spring), # 450 Set Wheel, # 462 Minute Cock (Minute Work Cock, Minute Train Bridge), # 705 Escape wheel and pinion with straight pivots, # 710 Pallet Folk w/arbor, # 714 Pallet Arbor, # 721 Balance Complete (Wheel, Hairspring assembled with staff) # 728 Balance Staff with shock-protecting device, # 730 Roller, # 770 Mainspring, # 771 Mainspring with brake spring (automatic), # 926 Enlargement Ring, # 1134 Frame Work for Automatic Device, # 1141 Lower Bridge for Auto Device, # 1143 Oscillating Weight, # 1481 Reduction Gear, # 1482 Driving Gear for Ratchet Wheel, # 1488 Pawl Winding Wheel complete w/pinion, (Reversing Wheel) # 1497 Ball Bearing for Oscillating Weight, # 1998 Bearing Wheel for Oscillating Weight, # 1530 Additional Pawl Winding Wheel w/o pinion (Auxiliary reversing wheel), # 2543 Intermediate Date Wheel, # 2555 Calendar Driving Wheel, # 2556 Date Indicator Driving Wheel, # 2557/1 Date Indicator w/dial, @3 # 2561/1 Day Indicator w/dial Disk. # 2566 Date Corrector, # 2567 Day Corrector, # 2569 Double Corrector, # 2570 Double corrector operating lever # 2576 Date Jumper, # 2595 Guard for Jumper Date, # 2632 Unlocking Yoke for Calendar Indicators (Date unlocking yoke), # 2633 Unlocking Yoke Spring for Calendar Indicators (Unlocking yoke spring), # 2644 Unlocking Yoke Maintaining Plate, # 2780 Gib for Day Disk (Day indicator spring-clip), # 2784 Double Jumper, # 3024Upper complete Balance Shock Setting to push in, # 3025Lower complete Balance Shock Setting to push in # 9433 Stop Lever, # 5101 Case Screw, # 5102 Case Screw special, # 5105 Barrel Bridge Screw, # 5110 Train Wheel Bridge Screw, # 5121 Balance Bridge (cock) Screw, # 5125 Pallet Bridge (cock) Screw, # 5166 Casing Clamp Screw, # 5415 Ratchet Wheel Screw, # 5420 Crown Wheel Screw, # 5445 Set Bridge Screw, # 5462 Minute Work Cock Screw, # 51134 Screw for fame work of automatic device, # 51141 Lower bridge screw for automatic device, # 51497 Screw for ball bearing wheel for oscillating weight, # 51498 Screw for bearing wheel of oscillating, # 52567 Day corrector screw, # 52595 Screw for date jumper guard. |
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